Liberty Toastmasters: Peace Through Strength - The Kim Monson Show

The Kim Monson Show

Liberty Toastmasters: Peace Through Strength

Peace through Strength
Liberty Toastmasters address Peace Through Strength: In order to remain free, a society must defend itself. Douglas County GOP Chairman Steven Peck explains why property taxes are increasing so much and what can be done about it.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
Liberty Toastmasters: Peace Through Strength

Liberty Toastmasters address Peace Through Strength: In order to remain free, a society must defend itself. The concept of peace through strength revolves around the notion that for a society to maintain its freedom, it must be able to defend itself. This perspective is shared by Brad Beck, who emphasizes the importance of constant preparedness due to the existence of malicious individuals. Rick Rome adds that there are various forms of strength that can be utilized to ensure protection, clarifying that projecting strength doesn’t necessarily involve imposing one’s will on others. On the other hand, Bill Federer criticizes the idea of seeking peace through strength, arguing that America’s military is poorly managed and fails to effectively safeguard the nation. Russ Farmer acknowledges the necessity of strength for any developed nation, but highlights that it alone is insufficient in guaranteeing peace. Lastly, Dave Walden asserts that peace cannot be attained without the exertion of strength. Overall, these perspectives explore the relationship between strength, defense, and the pursuit of peace within a society. Listen to the full episode in the first hour.

Interview with Stephen Peck

Douglas County GOP Chairman Steven Peck explains why property taxes are increasing so much and what can be done about it. Josh Lallement joins Peck for the segment. The Douglas County School Board is currently exploring alternative methods to raise funds within their district. While Peck acknowledges the good intentions of the school board, they hold a different perspective and oppose the idea of increasing taxes. It is crucial for the Douglas County School Board to find a solution that enables them to provide support for their schools and remain competitive with other districts, all while avoiding a tax increase. However, regardless of their political affiliations, individuals in the community are growing frustrated with the situation, leading to a decrease in their willingness to participate in the upcoming election cycle. The issue of finding sustainable funding for the school district is generating significant concern among the residents. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.


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