Douglas County GOP Members Explain Why Voters Should Reject 5A and 5B - The Kim Monson Show

Douglas County GOP Members Explain Why Voters Should Reject 5A and 5B

Douglas County GOP Chair Steve Peck expounds on why to vote NO on the Dougco School property tax increases.
Douglas County GOP Chair Steve Peck expounds on why to vote NO on the Dougco School property tax increases.. Owner of 88 Drive-In Theatre Susan Kochevar discusses what this means for property owners and steps in as a guest host for the day. Jill Vecchio discusses current events regarding Israel and the United State's contradictory positions.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
Douglas County GOP Members Explain Why Voters Should Reject 5A and 5B

Douglas County GOP Chair Steve Peck expounds on why to vote NO on the Dougco School property tax increases. Owner of 88 Drive-In Theatre Susan Kochevar discusses what this means for property owners and steps in as a guest host for the day. Learn more about why voters should reject 5A and 5B here. Listen to the full interview in the first hour.

Interview with Jill Vecchio

Jill Vecchio discusses current events regarding Israel and the United State’s contradictory positions. The simultaneous financial backing of both Iran and Israel by the United States epitomizes a conspicuous absence of strategic coordination. While the U.S. seems eager to join the international consensus in supporting Israel, the authenticity of its contributions is brought into question due to its concurrent support for forces actively retaliating against Israel’s occupation. This paradoxical situation is further complicated by a proposed arrangement among the BRICS nations, which aims to restrict Iran’s access to U.S. funding, revealing the intricacies of international relations and the need for a more cohesive U.S. foreign policy. As the discussion evolves, it shifts away from the intricacies of the war to encompass broader topics, including the burgeoning influence of cryptocurrency, and the emerging security threats posed by widespread facial recognition, the advent of 5G technology, and the ongoing debates surrounding net neutrality. These topics underscore the complexity and interconnectedness of modern geopolitical and technological challenges, demanding nuanced and well-coordinated responses. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.



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