Nephi Cole on the Arguments Against Gun Restrictions - The Kim Monson Show

Nephi Cole on the Arguments Against Gun Restrictions

Nephi Cole on the Arguments Against Gun Restrictions
Nephi Cole, the National Shooting Sports Foundation's Director of Government Relations and State Affairs, addresses Biden and the Democrats' attempt to establish firearm-related criminal law via executive order and discusses the NSSF's detailed public comment letter on Biden's "Engaged in Business" rule. Sixth generation farmer and rancher Trent Loos comments on a federal judge’s denial of a livestock group’s eleventh-hour request to delay Colorado’s wolf reintroduction.

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The Kim Monson Show
Nephi Cole on the Arguments Against Gun Restrictions

Nephi Cole, the National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Director of Government Relations and State Affairs, addresses Biden and the Democrats’ attempt to establish firearm-related criminal law via executive order and discusses the NSSF’s detailed public comment letter on Biden’s “Engaged in Business” rule. Cole tackles several misconceptions commonly used to justify anti-gun legislation. He argued that restricting gun rights would primarily disadvantage law-abiding citizens, while criminals, who have no respect for the law, would remain unaffected. Cole also reflected on his participation in a session that reviewed anti-gun right bills introduced earlier in the year. While one of these bills was successfully defeated, four others were passed. He emphasized the importance of citizens being more proactive in defending their gun rights, highlighting the need for greater public involvement and vigilance in matters concerning firearm legislation.

Interview with Trent Loos

Sixth generation farmer and rancher Trent Loos comments on a federal judge’s denial of a livestock group’s eleventh-hour request to delay Colorado’s wolf reintroduction. Loos discusses the plan to reintroduce wolves and its inherent dangers to wildlife and cattle
Loos now has a Substack: The recent wave of anti-firearm bills in Colorado must be opposed. Disarming the public paves the way for tyranny.

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Kim Monson's Quote of the Day:
December 20, 2023

No one party can fool all of the people all of the time; that's why we have two parties.

Bob Hope Kim Monson Show

Bob Hope, an iconic figure in American entertainment, was born in England in 1903 and later became a U.S. citizen. His career spanned nearly 80 years, during which he became renowned for his contributions to radio, television, film, and live performances. Hope’s quick wit and timing made him a legendary comedian, and his distinct style resonated with audiences worldwide. He appeared in over 70 films, including the famous “Road” series with Bing Crosby. Hope was also known for his tireless work entertaining U.S. troops, a commitment that started during World War II and continued through several conflicts, earning him the nickname “G.I. Bob.” His dedication to service members was recognized with the Congressional Gold Medal. Bob Hope’s legacy extends beyond his humor; he was a philanthropist and received numerous awards for his humanitarian efforts. He passed away in 2003, leaving behind a legacy as one of the most beloved entertainers of the 20th century.

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