Surviving Colorado Property Tax Increases - The Kim Monson Show

Surviving Colorado Property Tax Increases

Surviving Colorado Property Tax Increases
Susan Kochevar talks about her 300% property tax hike for 88 Drive-In Theatre. Allen Thomas continues the Feb 23, 2024, talk on election integrity.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
Surviving Colorado Property Tax Increases

Entrepreneur and owner of 88 Drive-In Theatre Susan Kochevar discusses her property tax bill that increased 300% from $14,000.00 to $42,000.00. The repeal of the Gallagher amendment has led to a significant increase in taxes for small businesses, with ballot measures employing deceptive wording to mislead voters into supporting tax hikes. This tactic is expected to persist, complicating the landscape for taxpayers who are often caught unaware. Kochevar, for instance, has experienced a startling impact firsthand, with her property tax bill tripling since the previous year. This trend of rising taxes is not limited to one political party; both Democrats and some Republicans are seemingly aligned in their efforts to boost revenue through tax increases. This bipartisan push for higher taxes underscores a growing concern over the financial burden being placed on individuals and small businesses alike. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.

Interview with Allen Thomas

Allen Thomas addresses part two of the February 23rd, 2024, discussion on free, fair, honest, and transparent elections. Thomas carries on with discussions on themes from his Friday essay, emphasizing the critical need to safeguard governing power to prevent its misuse for personal gain. He highlights how establishment Republicans are manipulating the petition processes, deliberately placing grassroots Conservatives at a disadvantage. This interference by establishment figures is significantly hindering the efforts of grassroots movements, creating an uneven playing field that challenges the democratic process and stifles genuine conservative voices seeking change. Listen to the full interview in the first hour.


Kim Monson's Quote of the Day:
February 26, 2024

When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.

Frederic Bastiat
colorado conservative values kim monson

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