The Battle of Language - The Kim Monson Show

The Battle of Language

The Battle of Language
Thursday York College professor and expert in language, literacy, and rhetoric Dr. Erec Smith discusses rhetoric in America today. Mike Gibson shares his thoughts on the judicial review process in Colorado.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Battle of Language

York College professor and expert in language, literacy, and rhetoric Dr. Erec Smith discusses rhetoric in America today. The battle of language has been raging for decades. Redefining words and vitriolic messaging are dividing Americans. Referencing the first hour, Smith agrees that Republicans need to work on their messaging to connect with broader audiences. Democrats have been using language to fuel cultural conflicts. Smith describes this as “rhetorical deception.” Smith is partnered with the Colorado Parent Advocacy Network. Smith tends to focus on racial & ethnic issues – ie, CRT in schools. Oppressor/oppressed narratives aren’t empowering; they take away from the accomplishments and hard work of minorities. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.

Interview with Mike Gibson on Colorado’s Judicial Review Process

The various attacks on our culture and society are not new; people are just beginning to wake up. Democrats come across as standing for causes, whereas the GOP comes across as standing against causes. Republicans could use some work in their messaging. Gibson met Kim through his involvement with the Equal Justice Foundation. The judicial system is facing complications on numerous fronts, mainly with inaccessibility and (lack of) integrity. Judges know best whether other judges are doing wrong, and the judicial system expects judges to hold their fellows accountable. Corrupt judges are keeping other corrupt judges under wraps, essentially. Incredibly low numbers of judges are being voted off the bench through retention elections. This should be alarming. Listen to the full interview in the first hour


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