Climate: The Movie - The Kim Monson Show

Climate: The Movie

Tom Nelson talks "Climate: The Movie" & its Mar 21 release. Susan Kochevar critiques forced min wage. Laurel Imer runs for CO Republican National Committeewoman.

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The Kim Monson Show
Climate: The Movie

There is no climate crisis. Tom Nelson, producer of Climate: The Movie, explains that carbon dioxide is *not* the climate control knob. Climate: The Movie is making its rounds across the globe, with screenings in various countries, including the Netherlands. The film aims to challenge and clarify common misconceptions and inaccuracies related to climate change and global warming. Starting from March 21st, it will be made available for free on several social media platforms, broadening its reach and ensuring that its message can be accessed by a wider audience interested in understanding the complexities of climate science. Watch Tom’s podcasts here. Go here to find Tom on Twitter. Watch the movie at Listen to the full interview in the first hour.

Interview with Susan Kochevar

Entrepreneur and owner of the 88 Drive-In Theatre Susan Kochevar examines the harmful effects of forced minimum wage. In a recent discussion, Kochevar delves into some of the latest headlines, highlighting significant legislative changes and proposals. Among these is a new law in California that prevents government interference in contracts between workers and employers, although the specific name of the law wasn’t mentioned in the show. Additionally, California is set to implement a minimum wage increase with very few exceptions. Notably, mainstream establishments like Panera Bread will not be exempt from this increase, though certain small bakeries will enjoy exemption. Furthermore, Bernie Sanders is advocating for a major shift in the American work culture by proposing that the US adopt a 32-hour work week, aiming to improve work-life balance for Americans.

Interview with Laurel Imer

Laurel Imer shares why she is a candidate for Colorado’s Republican National Committeewoman. Learn more about her campaign here.


Kim Monson's Quote of the Day:
March 18, 2024

Bonhoeffer knew that twisting the Truth to sell it more effectively was inexcusable. For Bonhoeffer the challenge was to present the Truth as purely as possible without attempting to help it along or dress it up.

Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas is an American author, speaker, and radio host known for his influence in the Christian and conservative communities. Born in New York City in 1963 to Greek and German immigrants, Metaxas grew up with a rich cultural heritage that influenced his work. He graduated from Yale University, where he wrote for the Yale Record, the oldest college humor magazine in the United States. Metaxas has authored several biographies, including those of William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the latter of which has been particularly acclaimed for its detailed portrayal of the German theologian’s stand against Nazi tyranny. His work often explores themes of faith, morality, and the importance of individual action in the face of injustice. Metaxas also hosts the Eric Metaxas Radio Show, where he discusses cultural, political, and religious issues with a variety of guests. His contributions to religious and conservative discourse have made him a prominent voice, especially among Evangelical Christians, and he continues to engage with a wide audience through his writings, speeches, and radio show.

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