Lessons From the Least of These - The Kim Monson Show

Lessons From the Least of These

Lessons From the Least of These
Robert L. Woodson, Sr., Civil Rights activist, author and founder of both the Woodson Center and 1776 Unites, joins Kim to address the left's attempt to radicalize racism.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
Lessons From the Least of These
  • Kim begins the month with a conversation on global collectivists who stake their agenda on people too busy living their lives and disengaged.  People can work hard and control their own destiny.  To be informed is to be aware.   Inflation is the “silent thief.”  Follow the money in Biden’s stimulus package.  Trump’s accomplishments were numerous, especially job recovery.  Conservatives must re-energize in order to stop the “Great Reset” as more government agencies weaponize their perceived control.  Cruelty and ignorance dominate Biden’s oil and gas policies.  Top solar panel manufacturers are predominantly overseas although Czar Kerry tells laid off workers to transfer skills to the solar industry.  Remember Solyndra.
  • Jason McBride, Sr. VP with Presidential Wealth Management, reports that the market took a hit on Friday.  A few reasons that are connected to the drop are:  prices are high, earnings, and Biden’s higher taxes and more regulations agenda.  Yellon will not rescue herself from any GameStop investigation although she received $810,000 in speaking fees from Citadel.  It is most important for you to manage your own money.  Give Jason a call at 303-694-1600 to discuss your portfolio and your pathway to financial success.
  • Guest Robert L. Woodson, Sr., Civil Rights activist, author and founder of both the Woodson Center and 1776 Unites, joins Kim to address the left’s attempt to radicalize racism.  Bob states the end goal of the left is to separate us, not unite, and through his organizations he is fighting back.  1776 Unites (1776unites.com) is a series brought forth by 23 black activists that defines America as a country of redemption.  Bob hopes that there will be “race fatigue” and offers suggestions on how to challenge attacks regarding racism.  Bob’s new book, Lessons From the Least of These, was written to unite people and offer principals, like resilience, to heal division prevalent in our country.  The grassroots network is of utmost importance in achieving unity and maintaining the American Idea.


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