The Federalist Papers with Ben Martin - The Kim Monson Show

The Federalist Papers with Ben Martin

the federalist papers with ben martin
Minnesota's Home to Grow program puts Minnesota families at the mercy of government agencies and Ben Martin continues his discussion and explanation of The Federalist Papers.

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Minnesota’s Home to Grow program advocates interference from the state and non0family members in the raising of children

Minnesota, which is currently in the midst of a home visit controversy, has been utilizing an interagency program known as Home to Grow since 2010. This program encourages any adult—even virtual strangers—from reporting concerns over a child to the program. The reports can be made anonymously. The program, which is coordinated by Minnesota’s Department of Education and Department of Health and other local agencies, can then refer the child for monitoring, visits and other interventions. The program’s referrals rise year-over-year. In 2010 the program had under 600 referrals. In 2018 over 22 thousand children were referred. Kim discusses the dangers such a program presents families and children and the disturbing trend on state agencies to override parents and families.

Continuing the discussion of The Federalist Papers with Ben Martin

Ben Martin is now a historian and at one time was an Army Ranger. He is always a patriot. Martin joins Kim in the studio to continue their discussion of The Federalist Papers. If you have not been able to attend Vino and Veritas, Ben’s knowledge and monthly visits with Kim are great entry points for learning about The Federalist Papers and appreciating what its authors bestowed on the United States of America.



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