The Pilgrims and the Quest for Self-Governance - The Kim Monson Show

The Pilgrims and the Quest for Self-Governance

Bill Federer explains why the pilgrims came to America.
Author and founder of The American Minute Bill Federer discusses why the Pilgrims made the treacherous trip to the New World. Author of Rediscovering America Scott Powell explains the five key principles to the Mayflower Compact.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
The Pilgrims and the Quest for Self-Governance

Author and founder of The American Minute Bill Federer discusses why the Pilgrims made the treacherous trip to the New World. By signing the Mayflower Compact, the pilgrims were among the first to enact self-governance rather than being ruled by a monarch. Because the pilgrims had no money, they had to borrow from investors in England. Everything was owned in common for years, which resulted in them nearly starving to death. The pilgrims’ case is a notable example proving that socialism just doesn’t work. The pilgrims devised a “communistic plan” called a “covenant” form of government, then scrapped it and gave everyone their own plots of land. The constitution was made for a religious populace, though our modern society is rapidly drifting away from religious virtues. Our government will collapse if we lose our morality. Listen to the full interview in the first hour.

Interview with Author Scott Powell

Author of Rediscovering America, Scott Powell explains the five key principles of the Mayflower Compact. Powell wrote Rediscovering America because he felt that our country has been under attack by internal and external forces, so he wanted to reacquaint Americans with the virtues and unique qualities of this country’s history. Powell remarks on five elements that made the pilgrims’ journey so important: 1. their spiritual quest, 2. their commitment to the Mayflower Compact, 3. their peace treaty with the Indians, 4. their adoption of private enterprise, 5. their tolerance and willingness to serve & help others. The pilgrims came to America driven by a motivation for religious freedom. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.


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