Liberty Toastmasters Discuss Taxation - The Kim Monson Show

Liberty Toastmasters Discuss Taxation

Liberty Toastmasters Discuss Taxation
"Liberty Toastmasters debate taxation. Prof. Gerwitz analyzes the O'Biden economy. Atty. John Case advocates for Tina Peters' due process."

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The Kim Monson Show
The Kim Monson Show
Liberty Toastmasters Discuss Taxation

Liberty Toastmasters share their perspectives on taxation.

Rick Rome emphasizes that while taxation is a fundamental aspect of a civilized society, the real issue arises with excessive taxation. Greg Morrissey advocates for citizen involvement in local governance, urging people to demand transparency in tax matters. Terri Goon has actively contributed to the defeat of three tax measures in Longmont, showcasing a proactive stance against tax increases. Dave Walden perceives taxes as a challenge that individuals must navigate, criticizing the government for making this challenge disproportionately difficult for the average person. Marshall Dawson argues that taxation is a method through which the government infringes upon citizens’ property rights. Carol Baker highlights the significance of staying informed about taxes, particularly property taxes, due to their direct impact on homeowners. Lastly, Jay Morrison calls for a tax system that is both equal and equitable, ensuring fairness in the financial obligations of citizens. Listen to the full interview in the first hour.

Interview with Kurt Gerwitz

Professor Kurt Gerwitz discusses the O’Biden economy. Gerwitz engages in a discussion about “Bidenomics,” a term first introduced by the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times in June 2023 to encapsulate the economic policies implemented by President Biden. This concept encompasses a range of topics including Biden’s approach to immigration, deficit spending, job creation, unemployment rates, and inflation, among others. Critics, including Gerwitz, argue that Biden’s economic strategies, influenced by his leftist politics, have fostered a system of injustice, reflecting a broad critique of the administration’s policy impacts and ideological underpinnings. Listen to the full interview in the second hour.

Interview with John Case

Attorney John Case talks about due process for Tina Peters. Case, an attorney deeply involved in the political affairs of Colorado Republicans, has taken a particular interest in a recent development involving Tina Peters. A group of former Republican county clerks has made headlines by distributing an email that outright claims Tina Peters is guilty of the accusations leveled against her in Mesa County. Despite this, Case posits a different perspective, suggesting that the attention given to Peters might be misplaced. He advocates for a broader examination of the state’s voting system, emphasizing the need to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities that could lead to potential fraud. According to Case, it is this systemic issue that deserves the focus of Coloradans, rather than the singular case of Peters. Listent to the full interview in the second hour.



Kim Monson's Quote of the Day:
February 12, 2024

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.


Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), is celebrated for leading the country through its Civil War and abolishing slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment. Born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln rose from humble beginnings to become a self-taught lawyer, legislator, and vocal opponent of slavery. His election in 1860 prompted the secession of Southern states, leading to the Civil War. Lincoln’s leadership preserved the Union, strengthened the federal government, and transformed the nation’s moral landscape by ending slavery. Assassinated in 1865, he is remembered as a symbol of liberty, equality, and unity.

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