The Miraculous Birth of Jesus - The Kim Monson Show

The Miraculous Birth of Jesus

The Miraculous Birth of Jesus
Dr. Don Sweeting of Colorado Christian Univ. says God arrived on Earth with Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, linking crib to Cross. Scott Powell views Christ's birth as a pivotal moment in a crisis-ridden humanity.

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The Kim Monson Show
The Miraculous Birth of Jesus

Chancellor at Colorado Christian University Dr. Don Sweeting explains that two-thousand years ago God showed up in time and space with the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Sweeting shares the connection from the crib to the Cross. Christmas is a time that inspires positive transformations in those open to change, as reflected in the humble origins of Jesus, who, despite being born into poverty, rose to become the savior. This transformative power is also seen in Mary, a humble servant of the Lord, and Joseph, a man of righteousness. While there’s no definitive answer as to why Mary was chosen to bear Jesus, her unwavering faith undoubtedly made her a fitting choice. The birth of Jesus, occurring over 2,000 years ago, brought a profound light into the world, a light that is rekindled each year as we celebrate Christmas. This annual celebration is not just a remembrance but a revival of that light, continuing to illuminate lives and encourage change. Listent to the full interview in the second hour. 

Interview with Scott Powell

Author Scott Powell notes that when Christ was born, humanity was in a crisis environment and the birth of Christ is the inflection point in history. Christmas symbolizes not just peace and joy, but also the enduring belief that good will ultimately triumph over evil. This message is particularly resonant today, as we find ourselves in times of crisis reminiscent of the era when Jesus was born. During this holiday season, it’s crucial to remind ourselves of the hopeful principle that, in the end, goodness will always prevail. It’s also a time for us to acknowledge and confront the various evils infiltrating American society, following the example Jesus would have set. By doing so, we not only honor the true spirit of Christmas but also contribute to creating a world where peace and joy are not just seasonal sentiments, but enduring realities. Listen to the full interview in the first hour.


Kim Monson's Quote of the Day:
December 25, 2023

The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle on which it was founded.

Montesquieu Kim Monson Show

Montesquieu, a pivotal figure in the Age of Enlightenment, was a French political philosopher born in 1689. His most renowned work, “The Spirit of the Laws,” profoundly influenced political theory with its advocacy for the separation of powers, a concept integral to modern democracies. Montesquieu argued that political liberty is best achieved when legislative, executive, and judicial powers are divided and balanced, preventing tyranny. His ideas significantly shaped the drafting of the U.S. Constitution and continue to impact contemporary political thought. Montesquieu’s legacy endures as a foundational contributor to the principles of modern governance and civil liberties.

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