Allen Thomas - The Kim Monson Show

Allen Thomas

Allen is a Colorado native and had the wonderful fortune to marry his high school sweetheart. Allen has travelled the world and graduated with a bachelors and master’s degree in environmental science and engineering. Allen is interested in bringing back the importance of citizen engagement amongst his personal and professional peers, always with a sense of humor & foundation in America’s founding principles. Allen is also a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies.

Allen Thomas's
Featured Articles

A Muted Speaker of the House is a House Destroyed

Allen Thomas explains that in The Federalist Papers, Publius warns us about the dangers and perils of political leaders and why they should be unnecessary for a virtuous, self-reliant citizen. Unfortunately, the rise of progressivism has also elevated the political leader in the minds of politicians and citizens alike.

Making Republicans Great Again

Author Allen Thomas challenges us to focus on the principles and ideals of our American Founding instead of people and personalities. He reminds us that each of us is fallible, therefore we must not blindly follow anyone without health questioning and dialogue.

For Free & Fair Elections

Politics are a messy business. In this essay Allen Thomas discusses the importance of holding ourselves to a higher standard so that we can reclaim the Colorado that we all love and save America from the extreme totalitarianism we are facing today.

Your Land is My Land

Allen Thomas brings attention to the potential abuse of Eminent Domain by Xcel Energy and PBIs (Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Interested Parties). He notes that the erosion of respect for property rights puts everyday Americans, just trying to pursue the American Dream, at risk of losing their property or the value of their property.

Generating a Generation in Pursuit of Liberty

Author Allen Thomas explains that as long as individuals are willing to abdicate their responsibilities to experts and bureaucrats, we will never realize the height of freedom. We must free ourselves from the shackles of security and embrace the scary future of a life lived through personal responsibility.

Now I Know How the Holocaust Happened

Author Allen Thomas discusses the most difficult questions regarding The Holocaust. How could the most reasoned and intelligent Germans not condemn the efforts of the Third Reich? How did the professors and intelligentsia sit idly by and let the Holocaust happen? How could the media become such a willing participant in the propaganda and how did the public allow such segregation and blatant rights violations happen?

The Colorado GOP at a Crossroads

The Colorado GOP is at a crossroads. Recently the Republican State Central Committee held a vote on a bylaws amendment to designate an absent committee member’s vote as a “yes” vote instead of an automatic “no” vote in anticipation of a vote in September regarding the GOP opting-out of open primaries. The amendment needed two thirds approval and did not pass. Allen Thomas shares his thoughts on the procedure and principles of the amendment question.

How and Why the Federalist Papers Matter Today

The Federalist Papers authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay in 1787 and 1788 were written to convince this fledgling nation to adopt the United States Constitution. Author Allen Thomas explains the tenets of a virtuous society and a virtuous people, and how and why The Federalist Papers are relevant in 2023 America.

When the Rule of Law Meets the Rule of Political Parties

Allen Thomas explains that In reading Alexander Hamilton’s definition of the judicial branch, it is easy to feel a foreboding sense that the judiciary today may be wielding a little more in force and will than it was designed for. Thomas notes that the concept of mere judgement within the rule of law seems to have dwindled into a political party’s discernment. American society has begun to judge the basis of a Supreme Court justice not on their constitutionality or ‘judgements’ but on their political leanings and whether it was a Progressive or Conservative president that appointed them.

What Progressives Get Right: How Progressives Expand Government and A Discussion of Federalist 31

Many of the Progressive bureaucracies have aspirational names to give them purpose and a goal: Environmental Protection Agency, the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or the US Commission of Fine Arts. Author Allen Thomas explains the names of the bureaucracies are also given these aspirational names in the same desire to sell themselves to the public.

The Controlled Price Is Not Right

The theory and application of price control is as ancient as humankind’s written history. History documents the detrimental effects of price controls and the subsequent failures of price control throughout all human empires and governments. Author Allen Thomas questions why the Colorado legislature and governor passed and signed SB21-175 which created the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB). PDAB was created with two specific guard rails. Thomas explains that presently the Colorado legislature is proposing to remove those two guard rails in House Bill 23-1225, which is dangerous not only in principle but also in practice and could have massive negative economic repercussions to all Coloradans.

Border Security Has Always Been The Government’s Primary Job

Several sinister changes at the border are bordering on dangerous: the control of Mexican cartels and the absolute chaos of large migrant groups rushing the border. Why is our federal government not acting and what is the proper role of the federal government in these cases? Author Allen Thomas explains that the Federalist Papers are the natural place to go, to begin to understand how our federal government was constructed to deal with these border issues.

California and Federalist #2

How is Federalist Paper #2 “Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence” relative to California’s actions in 2023? In this essay California and Federalist #2 Allen Thomas explains how California’s public policy regarding electric trucks is black-mailing other states and not beneficial to the states as a whole. Thomas explains that it is time for California to remember that they are but one piece of a whole and to act more amicably to their fellow partners

Why We Should Not Fear Fascists

The word fascists is thrown around in America every day. In his essay Why We Should Not Fear Fascists, Allen Thomas explains that our Founders did not want us to fear the Tyranny of the powerful elite; instead they wanted to shackle the government to protect us from such power hungry demagogues. We now fear fascists, communists and all the tyrannies in between because we have forgotten our history and did not preserve the republic handed down to us for safe keeping. Thomas notes that despite constitutional erosion, the bedrock still remains and can be saved.

The Moral Gaslighting of America

In his latest essay The Moral Gaslighting of America, Allen Thomas explains that Main Stream Media and Big Tech have discounted parents' concerns about curriculum content in their children’s classrooms, buried the Epstein/Maxwell “client” list, and demonized Ye and Nick Fuentes regarding their Anti-Semitic comments while giving Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib passes on their Anti-Semitic comments and agendas.

I’ll Give You Amnesty on One Condition

In his essay I’ll Give you Amnesty on One Condition, author Allen Thomas addresses an article in The Atlantic opining for COVID amnesty. Thomas explains that the enormous power grab by PBIs (Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties) during the COVID reaction must be acknowledged and walked back to give the power over individuals lives back to the individuals.

School Choice is Anti-Fascist

In his latest essay School Choice is Anti-Fascist, author Allen Thomas explains that Hitler and his Nazis recognized the power of control and indoctrination of the education of children. Thomas notes that there are several parallels between Hitler’s strategy and today’s government-run education system. Thomas recognizes that the antidote to educational fascism is school choice.

Becoming a Superpower by Using Our Superpower

In his essay Becoming a Superpower by Using Our Superpower, author Allen Thomas explains that when our Founding Fathers convened to create a new government, they had just bested one of the mightiest empires in history. It was remarkable. Thomas discusses the ideal that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is the foundation of America’s success.

The Stakeholders in Education

In his latest essay, The Stakeholders in Education, Allen Thomas delves deeper into the issues regarding education in America today. He notes that the real stakeholders in the education system are not politicians, bureaucrats, and interested parties but rather parents, teachers and the children. Government must take a step back and parents must remember that the education of their children is their responsibility.

The Human Inclination Towards Liberty

In his essay, The Human Inclination Towards Liberty, Allen Thomas looks at human nature and whether or not human nature includes Liberty. Thomas notes that in these tasking times it can often seem as though the natural human tendency is not towards freedom but towards power. Yet he asks, “How could Jefferson write that this truth of Liberty was self-evident without it being ingrained in human nature?”

Accidental Conservatives

Many celebrities and movies are accidentally conservative and they do not even realize it. In his essay, Accidental Conservatives, Allen Thomas explains that Liberty is ingrained in every human being. Allen shares examples of Hollywood supporting the tenants of conservatism: rule of law, intellectual & individual property rights, school choice, and free-market capitalism.

Do Not Cross the Line

In his essay, Do Not Cross the Line, Allen Thomas explains that even when faced with the opportunity to use government force in response to tragic events or destructive Leftist policies, Freedom-loving individuals and elected representatives must not cross the line of sacrificing our principles to achieve our goals and outcomes.

The Ultimate Rivalry: States’ Rights versus the Federal Government

Government is force. America’s Founders realized this. In his essay The Ultimate Rivalry: States’ Rights versus the Federal Government, Allen Thomas explains this is why the Founders wrestled not only with the fear that the federal government would become too large but also that a state’s sovereignty would become too robust or too diminutive. Allen notes that power should reside in the people, locally and nationally.

The Folly of Licensure Exams

Does licensing in America promote meritocracy or mediocrity? Do you want your brain surgeon to only pass/fail his exams with a 70% or better? Will you go back to a restaurant that only provides good food 70% of the time? What if your manicurist only did seven of your nails? In his essay The Folly of Licensure Exams, Allen Thomas explains that ultimately the free market can address the stated goals of government licensing.

What The Anti-Federalists Got Right

At America’s Founding, who were the Anti-Federalists? What were their concerns? What can we learn from them? In his Op-Ed What the Anti-Federalists Got Right, author Allen Thomas explains that many points of the Anti-Federalists regarding an expanding federal government are coming to fruition in 2022 America.

Court Complacency

“The courts are supposed to be the bulwarks; they are to be stalwart authorities on the American founding documents, the defensive pillars from the whims of the mob, and they are to protect our Constitution from the infringements of the legislative and executive branches,” Allen Thomas notes in his most recent Op-Ed, "Court Complacency." Allen continues that even though there may be cause for celebration in the Supreme Court’s OSHA vaccine mandate ruling, there is also cause for concern.

The Encouraging End to 2021

In his Op-Ed, The Encouraging End to 2021, author Allen Thomas explains that as radical progressivism seems to be invading every aspect of our lives, and as counties and school boards sought to mandate and demand wokeism, a sense of fight and camaraderie are resonating, building hope, to reclaim our American Idea. Allen notes that this hope is emerging in three key areas: the culture, the states, and the courts.

The Civil War of Ideas

On the 158th anniversary of The Gettygburg Address, author Allen Thomas expounds on The Civil War of Ideas that we face in America today. Allen challenges us to take an honest look at our history. He explains that our failures occurred because we did not uphold the principles of our Founding and challenges us, like Lincoln, to reclaim our American Ideals.

When to Call it Quits

In his most recent Op-Ed, "When to Call it Quits", author Allen Thomas addresses the divisiveness in America today. He notes that many times arguments seem to fall on deaf ears or they seem to further entrench the other side in their beliefs. Allen explains that if we do not learn to walk away from these fruitless arguments they will win even if we are right. Why? Because these fruitless arguments win by taking our time and efforts away from those who could be persuaded.

The Difficulty of Living a Principled Life

Talk the talk but it is much more difficult to walk the walk. In his Op-Ed, "The Difficulty of Living a Principled Life", author Allen Thomas breaks down the challenges we each face as humans trying to adhere to our higher calling.

A Woke Olympian Can Only be a Free Olympian

Many of us became dis-interested in the Tokyo Olympics when the media focused on U.S. athletes turning their backs on the flag or taking a knee during the national anthem. In his Op-Ed, A Woke Olympian can only be a Free Olympian, author Allen Thomas explains that “wokeness” actually shows the beauty of America.

The Right to Luxury Won’t Lead to a Life of Luxury

We are living at the pinnacle of human flourishing. Taking these Blessings for granted has caused some politicians, bureaucrats and interested parties (PBIs) to push forward a narrative that people have a “right” to luxury. In his Op-Ed, Allen Thomas explains that The Right to Luxury Won’t Lead to a Life of Luxury.

School Choice Is Half the Issue

=Our kids are falling behind. Instead of using the hours in the school day to make sure that our children learn reading, writing, arithmetic and critical thinking, many school districts and educators are teaching division through CRT (Critical Race Theory) and sexualizing our kids through the LGTBQ curriculum. What to do? In his Op-Ed, School Choice is Half the Issue, author Allen Thomas explains the other portion of the solution.

The Mistake of Banning Critical Race Theory

Milton Friedman notes, “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” Our knee jerk reaction to bad public policy is to enact other public policy to thwart the bad ideas. Seems to make sense on the surface. In his Op-Ed The Mistake of Banning Critical Race Theory, Allen Thomas explains that the freedom answer lies within us as individuals, not public policy.

No Freedom in Exemptions

Is it fair? Is it right? Is it “equitable?” In his Op-Ed, No Freedom in Exemptions, author Allen Thomas explains how politicians, bureaucrats and interested parties (PBIs), working together to award special treatment to individuals, businesses and non-profits, are antithetical to our American Founding and an affront to the Bill of Rights. Allen explains what we must do to fix this political problem.

Free Market Solutions to the Student Loan Crisis

Government is not the answer. Government is the problem. Government’s involvement in the student loan market has increased the cost of education and encouraged students to take on student loan debt. In his Op-Ed, Free Market Solutions to the Student Loan Crisis, Allen Thomas shares five ideas that we can implement to fix this mess.

Compassionate Student Loan Forgiveness

Student loan debt has Americans very concerned. In his Op-Ed, Compassionate Student Loan Forgiveness, author and millennial Allen Thomas explains that student loan debt is the result of a bigger problem and bigger narrative. He shares his thoughts on how kids have been encouraged to incur debt and the frustration in realizing that the promises made were not promises kept.

Free to Be

“There is a growing trend across the country to turn to the government and trust regulators, politicians, and bureaucrats before trusting our neighbor, and honestly, even before trusting ourselves.” In this Op-Ed Free to Be, millennial author Allen Thomas challenges us to have a healthy skepticism of government and to rely on ourselves to make the decisions for our lives.

A Proposition To End Ballot Propositions

There is a saying that when two wolves and sheep vote on what to have for dinner, the sheep is going to be disappointed that lamb chops are on order. Have Colorado voters put ourselves on the menu? In his Op-Ed, A Proposition to End Ballot Propositions, millennial author and commentator Allen Thomas challenges Coloradans to rethink our romance with ballot propositions.

You Can’t and Shouldn’t Legislate Morality

Morality has been a topic of discussion for several millennia from the Bible to Aristotle, Kant, utilitarianism and most recently moral relativism and multiculturalism. In his Op-Ed, You Can’t and Shouldn’t Legislate Morality, millennial author, frequent radio show guest and Christian, Allen Thomas, explains that we individually must take more responsibility for ourselves and our culture.

When Politics Become Follow the Leader

During election season, current political rhetoric encourages us to think about who we want to “lead” us and our country. In his Op-Ed, When Politics Becomes Follow the Leader, millennial Allen Thomas makes the case that independent, free-thinking citizens do not need a “leader.” We should elect representatives that will protect our natural rights.

Not My Capitalism!

Media, scholars and politicians have conflated cronyism with capitalism. The two are very different. In this Op-Ed, Allen Thomas explains that it is cronyism not capitalism that has eroded and destroyed the trust of all involved in a transaction. Allen notes that cronyism is the corrupt, immoral and money centric beast that has been touted and promulgated as an example of capitalism all the while it stinks of communism

When the Mob Joins the Party

In this Op-Ed Allen Thomas explores the extreme dangers of mob mentality which have been on display lately. We merely need to look downtown to see what happens when a peaceful assembly gets taken over. Many philosophers and brilliant thinkers have spent copious amounts of time learning and discussing the effects of mob rule in human nature. The founders spent diligent time debating the dangerous enticement of mobs. They knew that mobs were a by-product of democracy which is why they decided on a Constitutional Republic, but, centuries later, how do we as conservatives keep free of the mob mentality?

The Scary History of Qualified Immunity

In this Op-Ed, Allen Thomas explains The Scary History of Qualified Immunity. It’s not what you think. In theory Allen notes that qualified immunity sounds like a good idea; however, as Allen tugged on the string of its past, Allen became horrified regarding principled ignorance on the issue. You’ll be surprised at what Allen unveils.

The Danger of Freedom Creep

The principles and freedoms we let go out of convenience then allow government entities, big and small, to creep up their power against us. In this culture of convenience, it is incredibly difficult to stay principled and cling to our freedoms when decisions are based on personal emotions and desires.

The Good of the Neighbor is Greater Than The Good of the Government

The response of neighbors and communities to the hardships of the Coronavirus pandemic are far more effective and and helpful than that of the government. What happens when the crisis ends? Will we continue to work together as communities and neighbors or will we revert back to a culture that relies on government?

Ok Boomer, Truce?

Allen Thomas asks if Boomers and Millennials can call a truce. The constant name-calling and fighting is unproductive. Let's try having an honest conversation instead.
colorado conservative values kim monson

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